Household Finance Corporation, All employees of Local Branch Office
Contract vague & unexplained, misapplied payments, not crediting payoffs so they can get more interest ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Business & Finance

We closed our loan in Sept. 2000. My husband, 65 at the time, was forced to sign up for life insurance — the kind that is null & void at age 65, but were promised this charge was in error and would be handled immediately. 7 Months and numerous phone calls later, I got it done, but no return of premium paid.

Our loan contained a 5 year pre payment penalty clause; we were told it was only 2 and that the verbage was in error. LIE.

We were told that by making bi-weekly payments our overage would be applied to the principal—instead, they were tacked on as another payment.By the time I caught on to what was happening, we were paid 4 months in advance, but the interest was eating us alive. I finally forced the "Local Branch" to stop the automatic bi-weekly withdrawal from my account.

We refinanced our mortgage and closed on 10/16/02. The payoff was sent to HFC and the Title company confirms the check was cashed, but the payment has not been applied. I have received another bill. The local branch says maybe the payment has been received, but just not applied yet. They are again trying to make more interest.

Enough said??? Bring on the consumer advocate or whomever you choose. I am ready to do battle.

Lakewood, Colorado

Company: Household Finance Corporation, All employees of Local Branch Office
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Lakewood
Address: 98 N. Wadsworth Blvd
Phone: 3032379571
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