Rescue My Insurance
Brandon Flath Promised advance commissions and are paying as earned

Business & Finance

Liars and untrust worthy, not loyal to their agents. They make you a lot of promises and do not carry them out.

Company: Rescue My Insurance
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
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Rescue My Insurance
I am an Insurance Agent and can not get paid, they will not return my phone calls Texas

Parker & Associates, Greenway Marketing
Misrepresented the way they pay commissions and have refused to pay owed commissions from many many agents!

Bill Menchaca, John Wilson
LMW, Senior Benefit GroupBill Advanced Health-life 2 individuals that ripoff insurance commissions due their insurance agents

Magic Kids USA / Isaac Mizrahi
Liars and Cheats

Customer AQ Fluent - Customer AQ
Customer AQ - Customer AQ Fluent Customers Rip off company, they promise you and you get nothing, for 12,000 dollars

National Agents Alliance
NAA - a rip off if there ever was one, they don't live up to their promises

Bankers Life Colonial Penn
Bankers LIfe, Conseco, fraud, twisting, churning, insurance agent nightmare, dual agent application scam, fraudlent activity, senior abuse, customer abuse

Travelbridge Air Land Sea
They have paid no commissions since '01 deceptive company ripoff, Made promises to outside agents they never intended to keep

M A Apparel
M A Apparel and Promotions Cheats Liars Thieves

Enterprise Car Rental
False Claim