Halifax Communications
Ripoff took my money and never got nothing in return consumer fraud ripoff Ft. Lauderdale

Business & Finance

I received this letter in the mail. It was a job to make extra money. The letter stated that all I had to do is staple a booklet together and ship back to them. And I would get paid to this. I sent my deposit of $42.00 start up fee to the address that was on the letter and the return envelope. I mailed the letter to the company on or around June or July. I have still not heard anything on this matter.

I would like to see companies like this one hunted down and punished severly, and be made to give back the money they stoled from innocent people. All we want to do is try and make real money with good companies. But I guess there is nothing of that kind of business around.

There should be something that the government could do about companies or people like this. I mean don't they have to get a tax Id number or something in that line so they could be tracked down.

Thank You.

Fayetteville, Wisconsin

Company: Halifax Communications
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: FT. Lauderdale
Address: p.o. box 120790
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