Payday Loan Yes
No is more like it!

Business & Finance

This company is a SCAM!!! We took out a payday loan for $350 with the intention to pay back $455. They set up payments of $105, we assumed it would be payed off in four to five weeks. On the fifth week after paying the $105 weekly they took out another $105 and an additional $350!!!

In all we payed a total of $875 for a loan, when we talked to customer service and the managers they all pretended to be people they were not, and they hung up on us. We have got no where with talking to these scam artists! Not only did this happen but beware of giving them personal information! They took my social security number and bank account information without even talking to me!!! Anyone who reads this spread the word because I don't know how I'm gonna pay for groceries to feed my family of get gas to go back and forth to work. They overdrew our bank account and not only are we in the hole, but we're gonna get overdraft charges tomorrow!!!

Please learn from this and tell everyone you know!!!

Company: Payday Loan Yes
Country: USA
Phone: 8005506051
Site: payday/loan/
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Extreme con artists. Didn't even run my app. Took my $20 and made up reasons to deny my loan

Payday-Loan-Yes Borrow Money with APR 2737.50% - THEY TRIED TO! Agoura Hills, California

USA Payday Loan
Scammers Extraordinaire

Scam, Payday loan, insurance, efinancial
Beware online loan company giving bank information, ripoff

Identity Theft Protection
I applied for a payday loan and since they had my account information they charged me for some id theft service that is attached to there applying for a loan. They charged my bank account and will not give me a refund

The Loan Shop - Payday Loans
Took everything i have and then some

Paychecktoday stole money from me after the loan was payed. Took my whole pay check for two weeks before i could stop my direct deposit. Ripoff

Crime Monitoring Center
Scam about a payday loan that never happen

Payday Loans
One Click Cash Calling me about a loan that was taken out in my name but has not been payed. They are going to sue me for the money