Ocwen Loan Services
LLC Disabled And Wrongfully Evicted

Business & Finance

First, I am just the tenant. But apart of the trickle down effect. My landlord was forclosed on and evicted who has his own report to tell on this situation. Yet Ocwen did not notify me, the tenant, about it until the eviction process was under way.

I offered payment to them, no go. They wanted me out that very day Feb 4. I attained legal counsel who negotiated for them to give me until March 7 to vacate said premises. They approached me with a cash for keys agreement on March 1 to leave the premises in clean condition on March 14. I signed and agreed to do so.

On monday, March 10, I contacted their (Ocwen's) representative that contacted me to make sure that all was still set for March 14. I was told no eviction would be going through. Of course that day is not here yet, but I came home on March 11 to an empty house with an even emptier dumpster out front.

I have yet to hear from Ocwen as to why an eviction was done prior to said agreement date. I am a disabled person on fixed income, yet they have no care or concern for this. All my aids, medical equipment, Medicines, furniture, clothes, everything is gone.

Company: Ocwen Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Phone: 8007462936
Site: ocwen.com
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