Chase Manhattan Mortgage
Falsly accused of missed pmts

Business & Finance

My mortgage was sold to Chase Manhattan after the first 3 payments had been made to another company, they tried to tell me for two years that the payments should have been made to them.

I provided on several occassions, copies of cancelled checks and statements, I would not hear anything for months, then one day I was served with papers, I called them, once again faxed all information needed to show that I had paid the pmts to the prior company.

Once again, I did not hear anything for 3 or 4 months, then I get served again, I finally went to court, cost me 1500.00 in legal fees and somewhere along the line to cover there butts for the errors, they applied the missing pmts to my principal balance, and tried to claim they were in the right all along.

What they did not anticipate is that I would obtain an attorney and being in the accounting field as a Controller of a corporation, I would amoritize the payment schedule to show the balance after the three years.

Now, they won't even return my calls, they made my life a living hell for better than three years, I have Lupus, and this whole thing aggrevated me passed the point of mad, as with the people with the 1998 Pmt. To this day they have reported my account 90 days delinquent on my credit report, as it never was. This occurred in April of 1999 and I am still fighting to get it fixed.

Fort Edward, New York

Company: Chase Manhattan Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: 250 W. Huron
Phone: 8006365577
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