Loral Langemeier
Laurel langemeier danger! Danger! Danger! Predatory sales people try to peek into your wallet

Business & Finance

A few months ago I got "Loral Langmeier" book about how to become a millionaire, I only paid for shipping. I thought the book might be able to give me a few ideas, it wasn't too expensive after all, so what the hey.

Now recently I got a several calls from people asking me why I wanted to buy the book and if I was ready to make some changes in my life.

Well, I wanted to buy the book because it didn't cost much - and I thought I might like to see if it had anything good in it. DUH!

They're very pushy, the first person who called me told me I "didn't have a clue" about what I wanted to do with my life. I quickly told him I earned way over 6 figures, was very successful, to go eff himself, and I hung up on him.

The next guy called me at least 6 times, wouldn't get the hint when I told him I was too busy to talk.

I have been through this route before with so-called "success coaches" and related scammers, so I knew what to expect. However some of you out there MAY NOT BE and I am WARNING you before you give them your credit card number. I have successfully disputed 1 credit card transaction from Robert Allen Energy Professional Marketing, but it took a lot of work and I don't want any of you to go through the trouble I did.

Basically all these parasites try to loosen you up by getting you talk about your hopes and dreams. They all work the same way whether they're Robert Allen, or somebody telling you how to get rich on eBay, or Loral Langemeier, or any of a number of people.

They start throwing out hypotheticals, like "If I could show you a better way would you be willing to do it" and of course you say you will. It's a hypothetical, after all.

Then their next step is to discreetly inquire just how much money you would be able to fork over to their organization, for working with one of their people to show you their magic path to wealth and happiness.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, the person talking to you on the phone is "pre-qualifying" you for another call that will come from a "Senior Director" who will take your credit card for whatever they figure they can milk you for, as long as it's in the thousands of dollars range.

"IF you qualify" as they say (in other words if you have enough credit available and you seem willing enough to be led around by them).

The best thing to do with them is quickly brush them off. If you can't do that, don't discuss your finances with them and keep the focus on them, not you.

Just ask them WHAT DO THEY OFFER and HOW MUCH it costs. If they can't give you a straight answer then you know they're a vulture.

Don't accept any mumbo-jumbo about how they're trying to be your friend and then need more information to *help* you. This is a business, they rake in big bucks, and they have a lot more people who don't make it than do, if any of them do.

Last but not least. Langemeier claims to be mentored by Robert Kiyosaki of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" fame.

That should be a huge warning flag to anybody who knows about these fraudsters.

Robert Kiyosaki has been thoroughly sliced and diced by a real Real Estate Investor named John T. Reed, who can give you all the dirt on Robert Allen (committed real estate fraud to buy his house in San Fransisco, previously bankrupt), Kiyosaki, and dozens of more people you have never heard of and would be better off not having heard of. Do your due diligence.

And read the fine print. The Fed Gov is starting to go after these marketing claims, and understand that for every success story, even if true, there are dozens of people who just blew a hole in their wallet and have nothing to show for it.

These people all work the same way and they all have the same spiel. Be safe out there.

Company: Loral Langemeier
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: Dept 4000, 7850 Ruffner Avenue
Phone: 8002483320
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