Sun Trust Mortgage
Sun Trust scrow department is truying to colect more money after 7 months of the closing

Business & Finance

I purchase my house in june eleven of I'm paying about $180.00 in mortgage January I recieved a letter saying that there was a shortest from 2007 and that I owed them $1838.67 and my payment for this year was going to be $1776.61. When I call them to ask why they told me they din't collect enouhg for propery taxes but then they said they found out they over paid by $1745.64 to county tax, that as soon they would get the refund they were going to analise my acount.

I sent my normal payment on this month and 8 days later found out they din't withdrwl the payment out my acount. I call them to ask why. They said I din't sent the full amount I got upset and toll them I was not goingt to pay for a mistake sombody made. They transfer me to the scorw department, found out that they had already recieved the refund form the county tax, but they had'nt analise my acount. I got upsept toll them I not going to pay them no more then what my payment is supost to be. They said my acount was going to be analise to call in 3 day. I call back and still they have'nt analise it yet. Call them back agien and they said is not analise yet but but I still owed them $87.00.

My understanding is that they collect all the money they need to pay taxes in the closing cost. Why do I have to pay more?

Company: Sun Trust Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Address: P.O. Box 26149
Phone: 8006347928
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