USBank And All Other American Banks
Banking fraud holding deposits in the name of NSF charges Klamath Falls Origan

Business & Finance

Banks purposely set Direct Deposits to post at 9 AM just so they can charge millions in NSF fees. I believe all the big banks conspired to rob from the poor to give to the rich by recording direct deposits at 9 AM so they could charge billions in NSF fees on debits posted 9 hours earlier. This was done intentionally for the sole purpose of defrauding customers.

We now live in a computerized world and if my deposit is to post on Friday it should post at 12:00 AM not 9 hours later for the banks greedy benefit. Who has the balls to file a class action? They have bullied the poor for long enough, time for the banks to suffer and even time for the FDIC, their supporter to take a hit for backing the corruption. How do they figure they are entitled to a 1600% profit for a $4 oversight that is covered a couple hours later with a direct deposit that was waiting in the Q. While they hold the deposit they are charging overdraft fees, if this is not criminal, I don't know what is.

Company: USBank And All Other American Banks
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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