Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Problems with billing practices Arizona Arizona

Business & Finance

I too am having a problem with this company claiming I have missed a payment and I have repeatedly sent in the info to prove I haven't. I am not just taking this.
Please everybody here needs to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, under the fair credit billing act 15 U.S. C 1666-1666j.

Its my understanding that if enough people file a report they will investigate it.

You can call there number at 1-877-382-4357
or go to the federal trade commissions web site and get the number.

You will get an automated recording just listen carefully to you choices and follow directions and you will eventually get to talk to a real person.

You will need all of your info, names, numbers, contact people, acct #, ect so be sure and have it in front of you.

This need to stop so please file a complaint

Company: Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Arizona
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