Sign On The X - Sox
Ripped me off also

Business & Finance

14 transactions, $1200.00, dating back to 9-06. BBB no help. Nna collection agency no help. I need any help i ca n get

Company: Sign On The X - Sox
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 11 MAREBLU
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Dan Agency
Susan Speer Promised my daughter she would be in print, etc. Said she gave me a discount, 1200.00. My daughter had 2 photo shoots, 1 with a professional photographer, paid 175.00 for this. I want my money back

Bally'sTotal Fitness
Bally's Total Fitness Unethical free trial sign-up

Verizon Wireless
Stolen ID and they continue to sell my info to collection companies... Thus lowering FICO

Kaplan University
Refuses to release my transcripts and degree due to unpaid balance which has been paid

Been Verified
Age verify using your credit card to verify your age, etc internet

Legal Mediation Practices
Randy West and Ms. Jackson Ripped me off

Cingular Wireless
Charged $1,229.59 for early cancellation after being told it was not early cancellation

USA Credit
They even sent me a letter from a collection agency asking for 149.95 plus 30.00 NSF fee! Chattanooga

JMW Financial Services
Ripoff, said my electronic check bounced and turned me over to a collection agency

Right One Dating Service Aka Tds
Ripoff and fraudelent. They claim that you can cancel before you get the first referral, but that is not true