Fairbanks Capital Corp
Ripoff victimized many consumers

Business & Finance

Faibanks Capital Corp is holding payments, not recording payments, charging outlandish fees. They more then doubled my monthly payment without giving me prior knowledge. Payments went from $651 to $1349.

They refuse to credit payments to my account, thereby making my account 60 days behind. The are still holding a check they received in mid September, that would have brought my payment current or with late fees only owing $31.00. They even refused to acknowledge the fact that the District of Columbia Government Real Property Tax office was going to send directly to them an overpayment for the taxes they paid ($4,907.02). Plainly the sole purpose of this is to get my house, by forcing a foreclosure with outlandish fees ($684 for home inspection and mailings) and holding money sent to them.

A Mr. Lyons even told me to seek help from Catholic Charities or the Jewish Funds.

Washington, DC, District of Columbia

Company: Fairbanks Capital Corp
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: 3815 South West Temple
Phone: 8009441212
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Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital Corporation Ripoff outlandish late fees screwed others too slow processing

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital Rip-off SHARKS! Saying payments not made when they are & adding late fees etc. Threaten to foreclose on home!

Fairbanks Capital
Fairbanks captial ripoff lost payments, refusal of payment, harassment, unnessary fees

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Ripoff fraudulent billing and reporting erroneous late payments tagged on to the loan an extra $20,000.00

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks capital corp rip off refusing and holding my payments

Fairbanks Capital Corp
THE STRESS THAT THIS COMPANY HAS PUT MY HUSBAND AND I THROUGH OVER THE MORTGAGE outlandish ripoff late fees abused & mistreated liars

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Fairbanks Capital Corp

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