Source Lending Corporation
Abusive and predatory lender, that will not return a phone call now that they have lied to and screwed many Minnesotians. Directly cause them to loose their homes

Business & Finance

This organization is the direct cause of many Minnesotians loosing or facing foreclosures in this state. They have over falsefied loans by getting properties over appraised and therefore setting a properties value way higher than what it is accessied at by the county. They use unverified income to fatten a potential loan applicants income. This makes it look good to the lender.

They lie at closing about property taxes and other promised incentives to get the buyer to sign. They promise loans and tell you not to pay accounts that they are paying off included in your refinance.By then we were so far behind we had to sign on the dotted line.

Now the 2 year ARM on both my homes is about to balloon and my credit is shot from late payments and they wont even return my phone calls. They are the predators and they have many predatory mortgage companies in bed with them. How many others in Minnesota and other states have fallen prey to Source Lending Corporation. They must be stopped. They are a part of the Minnesota BBB. What is happeing in this country? The predatory's are winning.

Company: Source Lending Corporation
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Plymouth
Address: 30300 Campus Drive Sute E170
Phone: 7637462320
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