BSM/SBA Grant Search Assistant
Unauthorized Charges

Business & Finance

After I signed up for a free trial I recieved nothing and subsequently was charged $39.95 and then another $7.95 and called them for a refund. I never receieved it and instead was charged another $7.95. I called them again, got a confirmation # for a refund for each charge and have yet to see it credited to my account. They say it takes 3 business days but still have seen nothing.

Company: BSM/SBA Grant Search Assistant
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
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BSM / SBA Grant Search Assistant
Unauthorized charges!

Grant Search Assistant
Called after I had search the internet on grants for small business loans called selling me a trial cd with information. Havn't received the cd yet but have a pending charge to my account. Cleveland

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Unauthorized billing

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BSM / SBA Grant Search Assistant
Unauthorized charges!

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