Advantage Capital
Consumer rip-off fraud victimized many consumers

Business & Finance

I have been fighting with this company for almost a year now. They illegally withdrew money from my bank account and left me with no funds. I have numerous overdraft charges, and they sold my bank information to three other companys. Now I have three other companies tapping into my bank account and stealling my money. Beware-stay away from this company.

Methuen, Massachusetts

Company: Advantage Capital
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 5025 North Division St
Phone: 8664878761
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Capital Bank
I had money taken from my account from a company I never heard of, and it caused me to go into overdraft, and Capital Bank charges $5 A DAY on overdraft, and when I went to dispute the charges

Capital Advance, LLC
Consumer Report

Advantage Capital
Ripoffs! Debts your bank account over & over, giving you nothing! Consumer rip-off fraud

Freedom Gold/tele-flex
Unlawfully withdrew from our account

Capital One
Ripoff withdrew money from my bank account illegally

Ripoff withdrew unauthorized funds from bank account causing overdraft fees, balance ended up $-300 Internet

Advantage Capital co Ephone
Long distance services RIPOFF

Advantage Capital Benefits
Ripoff consumer fraud

Advantage Capital
Dishonest fradulent business practice consumer fraud ripoff

US Bank
Immoral Bank Charges