Bay Area Business Council ID#ALCC800-587-4152
Ripoff ripoff thieves

Business & Finance

I received a phone call informing me that I could receive three major credit cards that total $5000.00. I was given a brief history of the company and the service that they were to provide, but did not perform.

I was asked to give my personal information as well as my checking account number and would receive my package in four to six week. Six weeks turned out to be up until today, I have not
heard from these crooks.

My bank had to locate the phone number and ID number that they use to make the withdrawal. After I called the number, a recording came on informing me that the company had been suspended. I knew then there was trouble.

What can I do as a consumer to recover my $200.00 that was stolen from me by this Satanic Company. This is the 2nd company that ripped me off in four months for the same amount of money.

Who do I file a claim against and do I need to hire a lawyer?

Hinesville, Georgia

Company: Bay Area Business Council ID#ALCC800-587-4152
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 801 West Bay Drive
Phone: 8005874152
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