Cross Country Bank
I'm going to share a piece of information with you CCB is the hardest to pay ripoff

Business & Finance

I paid alump sum of money to them, and one of the people I spoke to had this to say. I'm going to share a piece of imformation with you.ccB is the hardest topay

Gettin back to what I was saying. Nomatter how hard you try to pay them, it winds up htting you i the face. THey Do't want t help you at all. I sent them alump sum of money, and tey told me it didn't matter thats just the way they did it. They told me I was not eligible for any of their help.

Then they have the nerve o call me at my work place. My employer was not happy about that. The person I spoke t was not very nice. So how for the last four years am I supose to get this paid off? I spoke with one of CCB Reps. This is what she told me. That I was dealing with most likely places (Cross Country Bank) to rip me off. That so to speak is coning from the hrses mouth.
Valdosa, Georgia

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: PO BOX 31071
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