Cross Country Bank
Ripoff fraud business

Business & Finance

After receiving my mother's bank statement for the month of June I noticed a deduction from her account which I did write a check. At the time there was a renter living in her home and he had used one of her checks two years prior to make a payment on his Cross Country Bank account.

Apparently he was late with his payment and they went back into their computer and pulled up her checking account number and charged that account with his minimun payment.

I have been trying since June to have this payment credited back to her account without success.

I have spoken to a couple of employees in West Virginia and they said this would be taken care of. The last employee stated that they had removed my mother's checking account number from their computer files.

I called today 9/27/02 and they would not discuss anything about the account. The money has not been returned

I have since open all new banking accounts.

This action seems very illegal to me.

Middletown, California

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
Phone: 5619829111
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