Peoples Credit First
Peoples Credit First preys on people in unfortuante financial circumstances

Business & Finance

This is one of those - if you have or are filing bankruptcy - we can help you reestablish your good credit. Well who doesn't want to hear that after a bankruptcy??? I know I did. HOWEVER: First flag was on the notification they sent me in the mail. "To process your request send: CHECK ONE:
$45.00 Standard Processing and Delivery
$49.00 RUSH Processing and Delivery

Hello... Why would I be in a rush???

Anyway - so glad I was smart enough to check for a website first and come across this one telling me to BACK OFF!!!

Many Thanks - I guess cyberspace has some use after all!

P.S. Nearly fell for American Credit Solutions but see they're on your list too.

Alexandria, Virginia

Company: Peoples Credit First
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: PO Box 15650
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Peoples Credit First
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Peoples Credit First

Peoples Credit First

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Peoples Credit First

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Peoples Credit First

Peoples Credit First
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