I C Financials
Promised me grant money to start a small business

Business & Finance

I was looking for some grant writing help to start a small business where I live. The community is small and not many people here have a lot of money. I wanted to be able to bring nice things to them and not have the high prices as the bigger stores do. I C Financials called me and told me they were able to help me in getting money to start a small business. They asked me to send them $479.00 and the process would be complete in 12-15 weeks. They told me the check would be send to me at my home. I sent the money to them on 7/18/07 express mail as asked. During this process I called and talked to Carla Jameson on 7/20/07, David Brent on 7/25/07, and Sara Abraham on 7/26/07 to make sure it was on the legal side. I was assured I would be called and everything was going smoothly for my grant. Now when I try to call the number given to me I get a recorded message saying that the number has been blocked. It has been 20 weeks and I have still not heard anything from them. I sent them a letter after 18 weeks asking them to contact me and it was returned to me 10 days later saying it was undeliverable. I tried to make things better for my home town and now I can not do this for them. Please help me to fix this.

Thank You

Company: I C Financials
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Reno
Address: 316 California Avenue Suite 649
Phone: 8776926989
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Ic Financials
Stole my Money and Dreams. Ripoff

IC Financials
IC Finacials I was told that I was approved for a goverment grant and they had me send them $479.00 by money order express mail. Later my phone numbers was blocked

A C Financing Service
Told me I was going to get $250,00 in grant money and they made me pay with a certified check of $419.00 to get grant to start me a business. I did not receive the money and the Phone number was disconnected

Venture Capital Financial
Grant approval ripoff

IC Finacials
Took my money and blocked their number!

IC Financials
Approved me for a grant to repair my home after Katrina up to $40,000 - I sent in $479 for processing

The Grant People
I own a small business and they promised 500,000.00 grant if I would give them a 15,000.00 retaine

Lionsgate Consulting
They Took Money That I Couldn't Afford I was looking for a grant and I thought I was Getting a good deal but got ripped off 300.00 People should not be able to do this to other people! Ripoff

Ic Services
This company told me that i qualified for a grant to start a business took my money and then their phone was blocked

MGR Solutions
Ripoff scam for government grants!