Option One Morgage and Premiere Trust
Option One Mortgage and Premiere Trust ripoff corruption tricked and lied to us victimized many consumers outlandish late fees

Business & Finance

Option One also sold our property without our knowing we had filed Bankrupcy just to protect our property as they would not except payments they turn around and said we did not make payments and they don't have credit for any of the payments we have made through quick collect we have been fighting this for some time.

I found out the day before the sale of the property that they were auctioning it I went down and file a motion with the Bankrucptcy court to stop this and they still went and sold it and from my understanding it was the next day not the set time and to private investers that they seem to deal with alot. I thought nothing more and have been waiting for my court date and I get served with a 3day notice so know I have to find out what to do hire another Attorney.

This has got to stop this company should not be allowed to get a way with this. Know I have to sue Option One. Premier Trust and this so called invester.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Company: Option One Morgage and Premiere Trust
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Phone: 8006489605
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Option One
Stay away!