CCA Re: First National Card
Evil bottom feeders

Business & Finance

CCA sent me one of their bogus cards today. Thank God there are plenty of websites warning folks about the fraud that is being perpetrated by these jacka*es. I've been reading about what is being done to innocent people (with kids to feed, for God's sake) and I am fuming. I called my bank to alert them and didn't feel satisfied so I contacted the Las Vegas police department. Also, I think I will obtain a legal cease and desist form and send it to the address that is listed to prevent their sending more cards. Let's fight back and get these jerks!!

Company: CCA Re: First National Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: P.O Box 46101
Phone: 8002777056
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

CCA CCS Credit Service Division aka First National Credit
CCA Or 1 National Card ripoff dishonest about serives provided send me to card on is a cash on demand card so all together i have 3 cards from this company

Capital Acquisitions & Management
Abusive & misleading bottom-feeders. Ripoff!

Ccs - First National Card
Ripoff fraudulent bank draft

Sold my stolen credit card information to a third party to then used that card to purchase goods

CCS First National Card, CCS Shopping Network
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud evil business

Adele Services
Bank Fraud

CCA - 1st National Card Ripoff

Business Cards Fast
Ripoff Business cards slow as h