Litton Loan
I received a certified letter that Litton Loan would foreclose on my home on November 29th, and they foreclosed 2 weeks ahead of time without notifying me!

Business & Finance

I received a lette from the attorney that represents Litton Loan in my state, advising me that Litton would be foreclosing on my home and selling it at the county courthouse on November 29th. However, I have just found out that they foreclosed LAST week - which is 2 weeks ahead of time! Is that legal? I still don't have all my things out. Plus, the house is on the market and I was getting ready to lower the price again just HOPING and PRAYING that at the last minute I could sell this house.

Any advice? Why would they send me a letter stating I had til the 29th of November and they do it without calling me and telling me that they had moved the date up to weeks.

Company: Litton Loan
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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Litton Loan Servicing

Litton Loans
Litton Loans is a fraudulent company!

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