First Revenue Assurance
Cold calling all people they can find with the same name as debtor to try and collect

Business & Finance

We are getting a lot of calls from this number every single day. They would leave this automated attendant message saying HELLO THIS IS FIRST REVENUE ASSURANCE, PLEASE RETURN THIS IMPORTANT BUSINESS CALL, THE NUMBER HERE IS 1-800-615-9028 ONCE AGAIN OUR TOLL FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-615-9028.

We never answer or return this call but it is getting very annoying and I would like to put an end to this harrassment. The calling number is blocked and comes up as an *unknown* on my caller ID, but I was able to find out more about them online. I subsribe to the Gov *do not call list*. I had no clue who these people were before I researched them (I thought it was an Insurance group), and due to the large number of scams out there, I never return phone calls like this one; which are extremely vague with no useful information. I don't care to return their call on the different number they provide. When researching them, I found a pattern of the same sort of calls to lots of other people who had no clue who this group was with the same robotic vague message.


I have mailed a complaint about First Revenue Assurance agency to the CO gov agency that over sees collection agencies, a complaint to the AK Attorney General and a complaint to the Denver BBB.

Company: First Revenue Assurance
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 4500 Cherry Creek S DR
Phone: 3035958100
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First Revenue Assurance
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First Revenue Assurance
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First Revenue Assurance
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First Revenue Assurance
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First Revenue Assurance
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First Revenue Assurance
Harassing me regardless of what anybody says

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Has anyone heard of this company?