First National Card, Classic 1, Preferred 1
They sent me this card and it was activated but i received no catalog and i cannot use it anywhere

Business & Finance

I was told I was approved for this credit card. This card cannot be used anywhere, nor did I receive a catalog where it could be accepted.

Kettle, Kentucky

Company: First National Card, Classic 1, Preferred 1
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: CCA. P.O. BOX46101, LAS VEGAS, NV 89114
Phone: 8002777056
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First National Card AKA CCS S.M. Skipper
First National Card AKA CCS S.M. Skipper ripoff

Consumer Preferred

CCS, First National Card
CCS - First National Card ripoff mail wire fraud

First National Credit
"Gold Card" Rip-off Offe

Consumer Preferred

CCA First National Card
Ripoff, took money from my account to get card, no such catalog

Peoples Credit (First National Credit Rip Off)
Peoples Credit Platinum Card same as First National Credit-Robert Stevens SCAM

Consumer Preferred
Ripoff dishonest, misleading, finally got my card and now there is no way to get to their so called "online catalog" and dont get anything in the mail, waste of $49.00

First national credit gold card and catalog
First national credit gold card catalog Ripoff

First national card - cash on demand card
First national card, cash on demand card ripoff