Herbalife Don't get sucked into their lies and B. S Work from Home Los Angeles

Business & Finance

Yep I got sucked into their bullshit also. I've read the other complaints and I feel for them. Their stories is pretty similar to mine. Its funny they make you think that you can truly make a "career" out of it. When you realized of all the money you really don't have to spend first, you'll figure out its not what its all cracked up to be. You truly end up spending more than you'll ever make. Your "mentor" has this script to follow, that tells him/her what to say to you to suck you in.

I wished I looked them up on usacomplaints.com before I agreed to start with them. I wouldn't be in thousands of credit card debt.

Company: Herblife
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.herbalife.com
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Online Business Systems Or Herbalife
Just another name for Herbalife and it is all a Scam

Merelle Worldwide - Ehomes Business Network Inc. - T. Ray Patterson
Herbalife from what they state EHOME Business Nertwork Inc. - Herbalife (What you are told at the end)

Herbalife at workfromhome.com you have to pay to work

Herbalife Inc - Angela Drimalis
Don't blame it all on Herbalife. These people that rope you in are just as responsible. LA City Of ANGELS - New York

Money down the drain

I Just Wanted To Stay Home With My Kids and Make Some Extra Money! Dallas Texas

Another MLM scam, stay away!

Herbalife - E team Marketing
Herbalife E-team Marketing ripoff

Anthony Powell and the Ioffice via Herbalife
Consumer Report

Very evasive, very secretive Minnesota