Advantage Capital
Ripoff and fraudulant

Business & Finance

This is a very deceptive company that practices fraud. I agreed to charges of $19.95, $99.95 and $59.95 in Dec. 2001 in order to get a new Mastercard with a credit line of $2500. This money was taken out of my checking account and as of Sept. 5, I have not received the card or any other info from the company.

Every time I call, I am told that the card should arrive in 2 weeks and that I cannot get my money back. I had a charge from ephone from my checking account in April, but got my bank to get that money back from me. I closed my checking account and opened another one so that they could not take any more money from me. The bank cannot get my money back from me from the initial set up charges because it was over 60 days when I realized I was dealing with a fraudulant company. Help, does anybody know how I can get my money back?

Atlanta, Georgia

Company: Advantage Capital
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Phone: 8668828547
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Advantage Capital
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Ripoff lies stole money fraud ripoff abused & mistreated deceptive company victimized many consumers

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Advantage Capital Mastercard
Advantage Capital mastercard... BEWARE! This card is most likely connected to other Credit Card Scams