First Capital Consumers Group

Business & Finance

I received a Master and Visa Card offer and thought that they would be helpful in case of an emergency and would also help me improve my credit, but after sending $219 for both Cards I was left waiting with no Cards.

I decided to check on the Internet about the Company. When I did, I was shocked by that were sent in against it, and I began to search for a way to get my money back.

I've filled out paperwork from the Usa Consumer / and the very next I received an e-mail asking me to watch my account for a full return. I hope that by sending my report that others will be aware of First Capitol Cunsumers Group and not have to go through what I have experianced.

Oklahoma, Oklahoma

Company: First Capital Consumers Group
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: BelAir
Address: Benifits P.O. Box935
Phone: 4154884664
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First Capital Consumers Group
Ripoff tricked and lied to us ripoff swindler First capital consumers group

First Capital Consumer Group
Ripoff dirty ripoff liars Toronto Canada

First Capital Consumers Group
Consumer rip-off
Ripoff Great Job Thank you!

First Capital Consumers Group
Dishonest ripoffs

First Capital Consumers Group
Ripoff false promises Ontario

First Capital Consumers Group
Ripoff ripoff Ontario

First Capital Consumers Group
Ripoff, fraudulant, thieves, liars, destroyers of trust and lives

First Capital Consumers Group
Ripoff scam con artists Buffalo, NY

First Capital Consurmers Group, Ontario, Canada
First Capital Consurmers Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada RipOff! Using Canadian soil to scam Americans and they are not listed nor can their address be found. Consumer rip-off fraud