Quicken Loans

Business & Finance

A couple of funny stories about the training from Quicken Loans.

I should have known right away this company was a joke. During training, a director came storming in. Probably in his early 20's, looking like Fat Albert in a $1,000 suit. Started ranting and raving that we were not living up to the high standards of the company during our training. We were not taking this serious. We were all in shock and dumbfounded. Later the trainer said it was him being on a power trip. Very professional.

This shady director would walk around the web center with a baseball bat as if we were suppposed to be intimidated. Before Quicken gave him all this power, he probably worked at Best Buy or circuit city selling the hell out of extended warranty's on $20 telephones. I would bet the farm that he had no college or management experience prior. Like most bankers, never had a mortgage.

During our senior banker training (Oh Yeah, you could become a prestigious Senior Banker with about 6 months in the mortgage industry as a phone monkey) we would constantly have directors and other leaders discuss how they were not successful right away, but stuck with it and in about 6 months it seemed to click. Now bankers are being put on letter after a couple of months, most with less than 6 months on the floor. All this while in the midst of the worst mortgage market in over 25 years according to Quicken Chief Economist, Bob Walters.

The point is, some of these leaders struggled when the competion for leads was less, and customers were calling in to do loans during the refi boom. But we are supposed to excel in a time when nobody is buying. You don't see Quicken advertising anymore!

A big problem is 99% of the leaders of this shady company have no clue how to survive in a tough market. They would never go back to selling in these times cause they wouldn't know what to do if they actually had to sell instead of taking orders. They don't know what referrals all. Their main skill is churining mortgages of client every few months.

Sagamore Hills, Ohio

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Livonia
Address: Victor Parkway
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