CashCall, Inc
Cash Call, Inc. Very HIGH interest rates! Out of this world! Ripoff

Business & Finance

This company has very high interest rates. There are people in the US that may not be aware of how much you could owe in the end just because of a high interest rate. The rates with Cash Call could make you owe three times as much or more than you have borrowed. I have learned this the hard way by borrowing $2400 from these people. They harrass you when you are late and almost seems like threaten you to pay them because of the so many phone calls and the way they speak to you on the phone. When I borrowed money from these people all my bills went down the drain I went from very good credit to horrible credit. I advise ANYONE and EVERYONEto NOT take any of their loans!

Company: CashCall, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim
Address: P.O. Box 66007
Phone: 8775252274
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Stay away

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