AFNI, Verizon
AFNI Employee is blowing smoke

Business & Finance

VERIZON customer service is well known and is currently under review by the MDPSC (Maryland Public Service Commission) for forgoing their responsibilities as a member of the business community. I only assume that it will be AFNI sitting in the US Congress explaining their pratices in the near future.

I discontinued service paid balance in full and moved. Mail was forwarded to new address for 90 days by the USPS. Never recieved any bill from VERIZON. AFNI claims to have mailed notices but the address they used was incorrect and denied me any right to dispute the claim I owed VERIZON money. Unfortunatly (Like most) I shred all records after 4 years. This bill is from 5 years ago and if AFNI had contacted me when they claim they had tried to I would have had the proof that I had paid the balance in full.

Now AFNI after making a data-entry mistake per my current address, and after I contacted them in response to their mark on my credit report to investigate what it was about is unwilling to correct their mistakes.

The mark falls off in 1 year 3 months, it's not really effecting my credit score because I had all 3 CRA's correct the attempt by AFNI to re-new the debt. If they try and sue I'll show up to court and claim SOL, and counter sue for FTC violations of attempting to renew a debt. And to think all this could have been fixed by VERIZON customer service entering my payment when I made it. Heck I even offered to pay it again if they just removed it from my credit report since they had been contacting the wrong address, but they claimed it to be illegal (imagine AFNI wanting to play by the rules). So they are out the money, I'll go on with a small 5 point hit on my FICO for 1 year and I'll be happy.

Company: AFNI, Verizon
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: No Physical Address
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Verizon debt paid 7 years ago

Afni Bloom
Just reported an 11 year old debt (I paid 11 years ago) to my credit report! Ripoff

Inc Ripoff by AFNI & Verizon

Collections agency or scam artists?

Verizon/afni Collection Agency

Afni, Inc
Afni, Afni not sending any detail billing on collection notice, what is our rights Ripoff

Anderson Fin Network/bloom
Afni afni-bloom

Bogus collections

Afni, Inc
Afni doesn't listen nor care that the bill may be erroneous. Mercenary tactics

AFNI - Verizon
AFNI fraudulently collecting on behalf of VERIZON / GTE Southwest