Quicken Loans
Lie steel took my money from my credit card ripoff

Business & Finance

I wanted to get my house with a fixed mortgage rate and quicken called me and aproved me with a 6.67 rate. They wanted me to give them my credit card number, I told them that my card was maxed out, there reply was we just need the card number for good faith, the next day they faxed the contract to me. I had friend look at it to make sure it was ok, he sells houses.

To my suprize the intrust rate had went to 7.5 and they were charging me 5,000 to do the loan they never called and let me know of this change. So I called to see what was up with this. They said I had late payment get this one time in my life and that caused, come to find out I have never been late and sent them a leter back from the crediter that I was not and it was a missunderstanding. They said they could not except the leter at that point my friend got on the phone with the them and asked why.

QUICKEN LOANS is the only company he has ever heard of that would not take this. Good thing I never signed any thing but they did charge 15.00 on my credit card and put it over the limit after they said they would not use it.

So now I am going to cancle my card to keep them from geting any more money. I do not know what I owe for I had nothing dun and signed nothing hope they dont try to put this on collection

Watch out

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
State: Michigan
Address: 20555 VICTOR PARK
Phone: 8007101755
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