Homeq Servicing Corp
They are Loan sharks and Robber Barons

Business & Finance

My husband and I had some financial difficulties and Homeq was foreclosing on our 2nd mortgage. Brad Holmes at Homeq offered us a payment plan which we signed and faxed back to him.

I sent 2 payments but realized I hadn't received any coorespondence from them for several months. I started calling Brad Holms and left several messages for him. I finally sent the payment Western Union. A week later I got a letter from Homeq saying they were returning the payment and to call them to set up payment arrangements.

I again left messeages repeatedly for Brad. After a couple of weeks on July 22 I sent an email saying I was sending 2 payments and to contact me if there was a problem. I got an email saying he saying he would call but he never did.

I heard nothing more from him or Homeq until I got a letter on August 6th saying they were sending the payments back and again it said to contact them to set up satisfactory payment arrangements.

I called Brad Holmes and got an email from him the next day saying he no longer handled our account but to call Jennifer Magnon. After 4 calls I finally got her on the phone. She said I had broken the payment plan but to call her back on Friday to reinstate it. I explained that I had been in touch with Brad and she said she had been handling our account since July 15th.

When I finally got Jennifer on Friday August 9th she said she thought Homeq was going through with the foreclosure and my house was up for a trustee sale that day. Then she said she wasn't sure and she would make some calls and then call me back. Of course, I had to call her several times when she said she hadn't heard back from her supervisor. She is 2 hours ahead of us here in Seattle so I was left hanging without any real info until Monday.

My house did sell at a trustee sale and my attorney has gone over the paperwork and can't find a way to get it overturned. I know the collectors at Homeq will say we did it to ourselves but it would have taken nothing for Brad or Jennifer for that matter to inform me of the status of our account. It may be legal but it's criminal and unethical to treat consumers this way.

As with other consumers on the website we borrowed $26,000 in November 1997 and the payoff today is $26,000. This is after paying $333 a month for 5 years. I don't care what Homeq says the math doesn't compute the way they say it does.

This compahy is a total RIP OFF and I want to expose them and warn everybody who has a loan with them to do whatever is necessary to refinance with another company.

I am contacting ABC, NBC, and CBS. I have contacted my state legislature and senators. I will call Oprah, Suze Orman and anybody else I can. I would love to find an attorney to file a Class Action Suit against Homeq. If you know an attorney let's go get them.

Seattle, Washington

Company: Homeq Servicing Corp
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Site: www.homeq.com
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Homeq Servicing Corporation