Allied Interstate
Unfair Debt Collection Lies About Credit Reporting ripoff

Business & Finance

I have recently had the misfortune of dealing with Allied Interstate. I lost my job back in December and was unable to make payments on my Capital One Card. Last month I started to recieve phone calls from Allied. I ignored them at first and then started answering and trying to work some kind of payments out with them. Money has gotten tight and I can barely pay my mortgage. This is what my missed phone call log on my cell phone looks like for this morning:

8:08am 866-526-7795 (allied interstate)
8:39am " "
9:20am " "
10:09am " "
11:49am " "

Finally at 11:49am after trying to get my child back to sleep AGAIN I answered the phone. A woman on the other line told me that I owed a debt of $960 which is true. They said they wanted a full payment. I explained my situation. The woman suggested I take out a loan. Now, like many people who lost their job and have collections, OBVIOUSLY I can't get a loan. I told her that. She then suggested that I defer my mortgage payment for a month. That some mortgage companies will allow you to take one monthly payment off the mortgage and tack it on to the end of your loan. I told her that my mortgage is the only thing that I pay every month on time, without exception. I told her that I'm not doing that, that I don't feel comfortable messing with my mortgage like that. She then told me the mother of all lies. She actually told me "well, credit cards are the only thing that shows on your credit report, mortgages don't". Little did she know that my previous job was as a mortgage broker. I know for a fact that mortgages appear on your credit. She out right lied to me. And then kept insisting that I defer a mortgage payment to pay the bills.

I guess my question is, are debt collectors allowed to lie to you about what does and does not go on your credit report? What if I was an uneducated consumer who decided not to pay my mortgage because this woman said that it doesn't go on your credit report. Then my house gets forclosed. I know better, but some people dont. My only wish is that I recorded the call.

Company: Allied Interstate
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8665267795
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