USA Credit
Debited my account without authorization

Business & Finance

On 7/6/07 the company USA Credit debited my account $149.95 without authorization. I contacted my bank and they have started an investigation on this company. The customer service rep at my bank stated that I was not the only one that got hit with this charge, and the fraud division was working on locating how and where the errors occurred. My suggestion is not to open any emails that state you are approved for a loan up to $1,500.00 or Good or Bad credit get a debit or unsecured Visa or MasterCard. There is some link in their URL when you go to these web sites that auto connects to your banking information that you may have imputed on a previous application, Like a PAYDAY loan site, that you fill in the information and it just takes you to another site. Always scroll down the page and read that fine print, it will state that filling in this application, means they will search for a company that suites your needs, also there may be a very light box that is automatically checked, this is where all the trouble starts. You don’t even know it but that will activate these debit/visa sites and they have your info. Just fight the fight, keep calling them and cancel the card or Virtual card (no card but just a number that you never get) Call your bank and have the charge reversed, and complain to the FTC. Gov / your states Attorney General's office and your states State Banking Commission. They provide all the forms on line to download and the FTC's website lets you file online, and trust me they get back to you, the more they here about a certain company the more they investigate. So do as much as possible prior to contacting these offices "Knowledge Is Power", Good Luck...

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
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