World Market Systems
I Too Am A Victim, OMG! Was talked out of Money that I don't even have! Over 1400 dollars!

Business & Finance

I fell for their line of bs! I have no money left now! These people are ruthless and heartless! I don't know what to do! Does anyone know how I can get this money back? I need help desperatly!

I was stupid, naive, and desperate for a way to make money at home, and now I am even more desperate! How can people live with themselves knowing what they are doing. May God judge them as ruthlessly as they have been in their lives! I am a 57 year old woman with no avenues left. I can not even make my rent payment this month. Oh Lord, please help me! I am severely depressed with my situation and can not find help from anyone!

I just recently purchased their package, if you want to call it that! Now I am wishing that I hadn't, because I could have used that money to pay my rent, but I was hoping for a miracle.instead I have been scammed yet again. Yes its happened to me before. You would think that I would learn. I was also a victim of one of the Nigerian Scams. My bank account was wiped out and I had to start over with nothing! I am never going to trust anyone ever again!!

Company: World Market Systems
Country: USA
Phone: 88823185826
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