Mortgage Foreclosure Solutions
Ripoff Liars and thieves took money for services they never rendered then lie just lie about doing a service

Business & Finance

Mortgage Foreclosure Solutions was a company that was susposed to help stop foreclosing on my home in Georgia. They sent me all the info that was suspose to help me keep my home.

After they took 1200.00 dollars from, they neverand I do mean never did anything to help me. They stole from me. I had to file bankrupcy to keep my home. I always called and they never would return my calls.

I believed they enjoyed listening to my sobs when I told them that I kept getting calls and certified letters from my mortgage company.

After finally getting a three way with my mortgage company and MFS, I realized that I was in trouble because they never heard of them.
Two days later I had to file because I received another certified letter and they had begun foreclosure precedings again.

When I informed them of that, oh then there was no return calls, nothing...$1200.00 dollars wasted and rude service to boot.

Company: Mortgage Foreclosure Solutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16809 Us Hwy 19 N., Suite B
Phone: 7275385180
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