Euro-Capital Group
Ripoff Deceptive Business practices to swindle you out of your investment capital

Business & Finance

Beware of fraudulent deceptive business practices-

Please note this is exactly as to how they perform the scam to the letter, pay careful attention and do yourself a favor and read all of this information, as if you don't you may be very sorry later!

To all of those innocent individual (s) and business (es) looking to find investor (s) in the form of Equity Capital Partner (s) (Debt for Equity), please do yourself a great service, DO NOT INVEST YOUR MONIES WITH EURO-CAPITAL GROUP;

The Principal parties are Anthony Boyd a.K.A. Anthony Oppeinhiem, and Al Levi, as the principal (s) of EURO-CAPITAL GROUP;

I met Anthony Boyd and Al Levi for a scheduled meeting in the Lobby of the SHERATON HOTEL in the Buckhead Section of Atlanta, Georgia in January;

Upon meeting both parties with my Client, I ask them for a business card, to which neither individual had, nor could they produce a physical business address; Their comment to me was, "We don't like to give out that information, because people call us all the time";

I submitted my Client's business plan and all of the above mentioned parties visited in the Hotel Lobby for four hours (we had to pay for lunch, naturally), and Anthony stated to us that the "next" course of action was that they would visit with the Chairman of the Trust, and if acceptable, Euro-Capital Group (Anthony Boyd), would then send both my Client and myself a "Letter of Intent";

If we accepted the "terms and conditions" of the "Letter of Intent", then a "CASH" Deposit needed to be sent via Bank Wire Transfer through Bank of America to "UNIVERSAL PACIFIC" for the amount of $26,500.00 to begin the relationship; PURPOSES OF FUNDS: To pay for the "Off-Shore Corporation" (also being known as "International Business Corporation (I.B.C.), Attorney Fees, Government Stamp, Government Registration and Filing Fees;

(Please note that we checked with the Attorney Counsel of Record being known and located at (K.M.C. CORPORATE SERVICES, Ltd./43 Elizabeth Avenue, Post Office Box CB-13022, Nassau, The Bahamas/Telephone: 242.323.8880/242.326.8434: Facsimile, and the Attorney-of-Record: Rachel L. Culmer, Esqsuire, and their Paralegal Renee Lockhart (She actually handles all of the business filings for all new Client's and for $300.00 per Bank, will escort you to each Bank Officer in Nassau:

(NOTE: The "Actual Fees" that the Attorney's Office charges is $1,300.00 USD for an International Business Corporation, NOT $26,500.00)

The "Next Step" of their well thought out scam is that Anthony and Al wanted my Client to "FLY" to Manila, Phillipeans, to meet the Chairman of the Trust, who name is Dr. Bernhard hubertus wilhelm siegmuller, as president of suisse investment company, a.G.;

That little trip was to cost my Client $20,248.00 for two (2) Airplane Tickets to Manila, with Hotel Accomodations and $900.00 for ground transportation, a little pricing wouldn't you think; Plus my Client had to pay for his own way to Manila as well;

After much talking back and forth with Anthony and my Client, it seems that my Client would only meet the Chairman in Nassau at the time of the execution of "Investment Closing Contract";

Twelve (12) days goes by and then both myself and my Client gets a telephone call and e-mail from Anthony (Euro-Capital Group), and sets a date to officially go to Nassau, The Bahamas; The Arrival date was February 12th;

I meet my Client at the HOTEL in Nassau (a very nasty HOTEL, when in Nassau, only stay at the ATLANTIS HOTEL & RESORT, you'll thank me), and we waited all day the first day to see Anthony and Al; It was not until the second day at Breakfast when we finally meet the mystery Chairman Bert, and Anthony told us that we had to go ourselves to the Bank's RBC, SCOTIABANK and FIRST CARRIBEAN BANK in Nassau to open Banking Accounts;

By the way, chairman bert is a "wanted man" by the government officials in the netherlands, and anyone that may have direct contact with the government officials in the netherlands please contact us immediately at the e-mail as provided below;

Needless to say that it took us two (2) days and long delays to make "Applications" to those Bank's and we still had to go back to our HOTEL and Fill out necessary Banking Documents only to hand-deliver them to the Bank Officer (s) the next day; During all of that long process, we meet with Anthony, Al and Chairman Bert (they are always one hour or more late), to discuss opening those accounts before the money would be transferred into my Client's Account (s);

On the Third Day, February 15th, Anthony and Al left Nassau to Fly back to Atlanta (We didn't know that they were gone until we meet with Chairman Bert at the ATLANTIS HOTEL, where we executed the "Investment Closing Contract Agreement", and had "Brunch"; [One of the "Trick's that Chairman Bert put's is the there is a "Date" on the end of the Investment Closing Contract" and he says that if he puts in a date, that the Contract is NULL and VOID within seven (7) days from that time, If you enter into the same Contract, make sure that is totally changed, in language and made to say after notification of opening the Banking Accounts in Nassau, The Bahamas, that is where they get you; Also there is mention of a Insurance Policy with LLOYD'S OF LONDON to cover the Investment Amount, they then tell you that you are responsible for getting that Insurance Policy late in the Game, and that serve's them as an "Excuse" for not funding the Contract Amount, make Bert spell out the name of the Insurance Policy, and the Contact Officer, and what the Insurance Policy will cost ]

After that, we waited for a period of thirteen (13) days for all of the Bank Officer (s) to open my Client's Banking Account (s) for each of those three banks being located in Nassau, The Bahamas;

At that point, all that was left to do was a "Site-Inspection" by Anthony, Al and some other third party Analysis, that has still yet to happen at this writing;

We then waited for exactly one hundred and nine (109) days, and all we ever received from numberous e-mail's and unreturned telephone calls is nothing but EXCUSES, to date, and then finally on the one hundred fifteenth (115) day, and the Anthony tells my Client that Chairman Bert stills wants to "Fund" the Contract, but he wants to be at the "Site-Inspection" himself, so Anthony tells my Client that he has to pay for Chairman Bert's airplane ticket and hotel accommodations to Dallas, Texas (where my Client's Manufacturing Plant is located), that cost my Client in a Bank Wire Transfer of $20,000.00, not to mention that my Client has also already paid for Anthony, Al and the Analysis airplane and hotel accommodations of $12,323.64, bring the total expense (and financial milking of my Client) to $79,071.64 for all of their expenses to date; Not to mention for all of the Hotel, Food and other services in Nassau, to which my Client paid for his and my expenses;

Last week, June 19th (approxiately, Anthony tells my Client that he needs to come to Nassau again to finish the Funding (Anthony states that now they will forego the "Site-Inspection" - where is the $20,000.00 for Chairman Bert's expenses then?);

Chairman Bert already has my Client's Banking Account Information (especially after he made a BIG DEAL that my Client had to FEDEX the "original Letter of Open Account (s) for each Bank to the Phillipeans), so why would my Client need to Fly back to Nassau to "Close" the transaction after the Official Contract execution was back in February?

Do yourself a real favor, to date we have fifteen (15) individuals that have never been funded by euro-capital group a.K.A. Anglo-american investments, and their trust appears to be a real scam that will never fund; euro-capital group has caused my client to lose twenty million dollars plus ($20,000, 000.00 usd) in lost operating contract's, and as we fear that equity captial agreement will never be fullfilled by euro-capital group. Do not conduct business with them, you will lose all of your money, this is your final warning!!!

We are seeking all of those individuals that have been scammed by euro-capital group, a.K.A. Anglo-american investments, please contact us at, as we have already spoken to the department of justice and we need to build a more indepth case against those individuals at euro-capital group;

Richard F. Gilbert
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Company: Euro-Capital Group
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 6783537234
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Anglo American Investments - Capital tree Group - Bert Seickmeijer - Anthony Oppenheim - Al Dobbins
Ripoff, Funny people M, Phillipines

Euro Capital - - Pinnacle - Anglo American Investments
Euro Capital - -Pinnacle - Anglo American Investments - Al Levi - Eyal Dulin - Susan Alman Here is our good Reference for Mr. Anthony Boyd of EURO CAPITAL GROUP

Anglo American Investments Aka Capital Tree Group Aka Leitz Finance Groupe
AL DOBBINS AND ANTHONY OPPENHEIM Scammed and Conned my company out of thousands of dollars

Anthony White - Anthony Tobin - Al Isaacs - Eyal Dulin Itzhak
Ripoff Scam Artists Schisters

Terrace Capital
Anthony Burges Terrace Capital and Anthony Burges is the fraud

Anglo American - Mr. Anthony Oppenheim - HQ Global - Letz Finanze Group, Etc And So On
Anglo American Investments - Mr. Anthony Oppenheim - HQ Global - Letz Finanze Group And So On Watch Out! Ripoff There are other conartists scambugs that are stealing BUT are using name of Anglo American and so on!

Terrace Capital, Inc
Anthony Burges Terrace Capital and Anthony Burges is the fraud

Capital Bancorp International
John McNair Scamm, Washington

Anthony McIlwain
Last Pixel Recruited for a fraudulent Investement Broker Leederville

Euro-Capital Group
Justice is on the horizon for victims of euro-capital group