American Credit Experts
They Trash Your Credit

Business & Finance

Credit repair companies don't do anything you cannot do for yourself. The one thing they do that you do not is knock your credit into the dirt. Then charge you for it. How nice! My credit wasn't great to begin with (mid 600's) and after ACE got done with it my credit was even worse (upper 400's). That's right folks, my credit score went DOWN over 200 points.

What they did was flood the CRA's with dispute letters. CRA's don't investigate anything anyway and they certainly don't investigate anything that isn't from an individual consumer. The way it works is dispute letters are given to some flunkie who MIGHT look at your dispute letter. If he or she does then this person gets on a computer and looks at codes. These codes are linked to a pre-packaged response to a TL dispute. Then said flunkie just types in a code that may or may not be accurate, this gets attached to your credit portfolio and then your letter winds up in the trash can. This is the CRA's definition of "investigating" a dispute. I am sure you have noticed that the lettes from a CRA is a form letter that is computer generated.

Anyway, get a copy of your credit from all three CRA's. If there is something you do not agree with, send a dispute letter to the company reporting the erroneous information.By law they are supposed to report to the CRA's that what they are reporting is disputed. Then write the CRA's and dispute the same an ideal world the CRA's will come back with the item being disputed. If not you have cause for action under FDCPA/FCRA against the CRA, reporting company or both. Rumour has it the CRA's are all getting sued for all kinds of FDCPA and FCRA violations. Cheers!

bountiful, Utah

Company: American Credit Experts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 4631 N. W. 31st Avenue, Suite 181
Phone: 9546605025
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