Traffic Designs Mr. Minor
I invested 2009.00, two years ago my return in money was supposed to be thousands of dollars. I got 125.00

Business & Finance

It been 2 years that i invested money as much as 2009.00dollars this money was spred by segment the first amount was24.00 for membre ship, then a second for silver club member;that was 99.00, and they tell me, must have a web in order to be seen, i invested an other 495.00.

So one agent call me, telling that i must buy affiliates in other to be successfull. These affilliates ammazon, ezmedz, better life pharmacy, cosmetic mall, purity products, andcasino. So the agent promesses me that there will be so much money come in that i wont know what to with it, cost 1475.00 the money paid to me so far is 125.00

To day i realise the many agents i spoke the where all liewers and phoneys. That why i want my money back.


Company: Traffic Designs Mr. Minor
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3320 W. cheryl Dr. suite B. 240
Phone: 18882307558
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Traffic Designs
This company took 2100.00 from as inv. And 54.00 after 1 year placem

Traffic Design, 24 Hour Cash Flow
Paid:$5,200 for casino $2,200 referrals $1,495 pharmacy receive yearly over these amounts company said have received $142 since January never return calls Ripoff Phoenix Arizona

FinanzasForex (through their agent named Jose A Brito. Dob 02/02/1965
Consumer Report

Studio Traffic
Ripoff, took 1000's of our money and we never saw a penny of it back

Affordable Affiliates
Can't get money back

Bankcard Empire (AIG Promotions)
Money invested with no return—Work from home by the internet

Traffic Designs
Ripped Me Off Bad Ripoff

Consumer Report

24 HourCashFlow - Traffic Designs
Fradulent, deceptive, ripoff to consumers

Traffic Designs
24 Hour Cash Flow didn't deliver what they promised, even after one year with them Ripoff