CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

I knew nothing about this until I received my monthly statement. Found out that they do this when you request a free credit report. It is nothing but a total scam and they will be reported to the Attorney General in Florida and California.

Company: CIC Triple Advantage
Country: USA
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CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges!

CIC CE Credit Manager
Unauthorized Monthly Charges SAME AS CIC Triple Advantage &

CIC*Triple Advantage 877-4816825 CA
Unauthorized charges to my checking account

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized Monthly Charge On Credit Card Unauthorized Monthly Charge on Credit Card

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges on credit card

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges

CIC Triple Advantage
SCAM: Free credit report with CIC Triple Advantage charges $12.95 a month for one so-called free report

Free Credit By Esperian
Free Credit report it's not! Experian wants your crdit card number to continue charging you monthly for "Triple Advantage."

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized charges!

CIC Triple Advantage
877-4816825 CA Unauthorized Credit Card Charges for over a year