Merrick Bank
Ripoff Unjustly raised Interest Rate from 13 to 36% interest

Business & Finance

After being a loyal, on-time paying consumer on my unsecured Merrick Bank Visa, My interest rate was raised from 13 to 36 percent interest. They have increased my limit more than 3 times as a reward for my timely pay history as a matter of fact. (twice since my rate went up) I called them to ask that they lower my rate back to what it was and asked why the rate went up. All I got was, I have no idea, I see here that you have an excellent pay history with us. I then asked to speak with someone above her and was told that there were no phones in that office, but I could fax a letter to them. I did, and my reply was... Merrick Bank has not lowered it's pricing in years. You have the right to cancel your account at any time, blah blah blah.

I hate having to apply for another credit card, but I am now looking into doing a balance transfer on it.

This company are scammers, and I would not recommend anyone open an account with them.

Company: Merrick Bank
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Old Bethpage
Address: P.O Box 9201
Phone: 8002532322
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