Capital First Bank (CFB)
Took all my money out of my account ripoff business from hell Miami Florida

Business & Finance

I got bit like everyone else with this Capital First scam... They took the 29.95,99.95,59.95, and the 54.90 out of my account... I retrieved the 54.90 back through my bank but at a $30 stop payment penalty... Somebody needs to put a stop to these scam artist

Austin, Texas

Company: Capital First Bank (CFB)
Country: USA
Phone: 8668926018
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Capital One
Ripoff withdrew money from my bank account illegally

Capital first
Ripoff - Misrepresents its products and uses your information for sub contractors ripoff fraud business

Lenox Capital, Freedom Recource
Ripoff, changed name to take out money to skip stop payment rip-off scam liars internet nationwide

Capital One
Accepter triple payment then took 4 months to refund overpayment. What's in YOUR wallet? I hope it's NOT a CAPITAL ONE card!

Capital One Services, AKA Capital One Credit Card - Capital One Bank
Capital One Services, AKA Bapital One Credit Card, Capital One Bank. WARNING! Warning! WARNING if your account is behind or has gone to collections your payments may not be being credited ripoff business

Capital First Bank
Class Action lawsuit Vs. Capital First Bank, et al. Fraudulent ripoff business

Capital First Bank

Capital One Credit Cards
Reopend my bank account information after I deleted it and made a $300 transaction

Capital One
Fradulent, took all my money when I only authorized a payment of $15, unhelpful

Capital Financial
Capital ripoff! Thanxs for the info