Ameriquest, Argent Mortgage
Predatory lending practices caused foreclosure proceedings in just 3 months

Business & Finance

I am just one of many victims of Ameriquest/Argent Mortgage Co. Based in Orange, California. I had no income when they gave me the loan, and inflated my agi income in order to overlook my less than perfect credit scores and pages of collections. I was a first-time homebuyer, and therefore trusted the seller, someone I had been involved in an owner-finance with for almost 3 years, when they stated not to worry about the fact that I had just lost my job.
I was into foreclosure just 3 months into the beginning of the loan and was put into forbearance several times during my stay sometimes paying $1700/mo, until I could do it no more.
I heard bout the class action lawsuit just 3 months before being put out of the home because not only was I behind the first two years, from outrageous payments, but my 2 year arm ran out and my interest went up to almost 12 %.
I dont know how to get on the "list" of plantiffs to try and get some kind of restitution. I have sent everything to the Mo. Attorney General Jay Nixon, and have sent 3 emails trying to get an answer.
If anyone can help steer me into the right direction please leave a comment of some kind. I have sent changes of address as well as multiple email addresses and phone numbers and still no response. Is there going to be a statute of limitations on my right to sue with another attorney? Or am I included in the restitution agreement and just dont know it yet?

Company: Ameriquest, Argent Mortgage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
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