The Apple Patch Diet Company
Apple Patch Company Misleading business oportunity

Business & Finance

I went to carreer Builder looking for a job that I could do online to supplement my current income, so I clicked on the Link for For only a small fee they give you a web site advertising their diet patch. They even maintain it. All you have to do is post to the search engines once every 5 days. The search engines aren't common ones. They are search engines that almost no one is heard of. They even credit your account for $25.00 so your first sale is on them. But don't be misled.

They don't send you a check in the mail until your sales reach $100.00, which is once a month. They state that there isn't any gurantee that you will make any of the claimed amounts of money (up to $200/day) or any money at all. One person stated that they mad $5000 one month. I hardly believe it.

There is no contact number for these an e-mail they stated: "You didn't see any contact numbers because we don't offer live support. We offer email support. We handle support via email in an effort to keep our costs as low as possible so we can offer the 50% commission on sales." Yeah right!

I guess I learned my lesson. I've always been cautious with online businesses stating you can earn lots of extra cash. I thought for a small investment it was worth a shot. I have to say I'm really disappointed and will attempt to get my money back

Maybe it is just luck that some people earn lots of cash doing this but I wouldn't reccomend waiting your money with this company.

Company: The Apple Patch Diet Company
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Steubenville
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Apple Patch Diet
Diet Patch Internet Business USA Internet

Search Engine Ranking Service - VMC Satellite - Rick Rahim
Affiliate Program BEWARE! Ripoff

The Original Diet Patch
ABPBT ripoff

Diet Patch
Ripoff - Made unauthorized charges on my credit card

Diet Patch Today
Misleading information given for delivery date, cancellation so that time has passed for cancellation before you even take delivery of the product

My Diet Patches
Ripoff - company offered free diet patch to try. Nowhere was there info that stated in 30 days my bank account would be charge $169.95 causing other checks to bounce Internet

Diet Patch
The patch was to be a 30 day trial, after 14 days they charged 89$ to my card

Diet Patch
Took my money before I even got to try their product!
Consumer Report

Original Diet Patch
Rip-off Another one bites the dust Unknown