Com False Credit Score Advertising Credit Score misrepresentation to entice you to subscribe. Online

Business & Finance

Among the other advertisements on AOL, at the bottom of your email listing, you will occasionally find an advertisement from that lists your credit scores, or what they say are your scores derived from your credit profile. THESE ARE NOT YOUR SCORES!!! Even if they claim they are.

This is simply a scam to get you to subscribe and get your "FREE" credit reports, which are not free. The scores that they blatantly say are yours and are from your credit information and are a reflection of your creditworthiness, ARE JUST NUMBERS TRYING TO GET YOU TO SUBSCRIBE TO SEE WHY YOUR NUMBERS ARE LOWER THAN YOU THINK THAT THEY SHOULD BE.

This is FALSE AND INTENTIONALLY MISLEADING ADVERTISING and AOL should also be prosecuted along with PRIVACYMATTERS by allowing this intentional false advertising.

Company: Privacymatters
Country: USA
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3 In 1 With Score Power False Advertising

Transunion - Free Credit Report - True Credit Etc
Free Trial Credit Reports and Scores Compile their own scores Not the Bureaus Online

Com, Transunion, FAKO Not FICO Scores, And Very Misleading. They provide you "scores" from all 3 credit agencies, but not really, they guesstimate!

Fraud and scam!

TransUnion Consumer Scores Are Not Actual FICO Scores when you buy trucredit's service they don't provide your actual scores, they provide a guesstimate

Trans Union - Experian
Charging consumers for inaccurate credit scores

Lloyd Johnson
3 different companys have charged $1.00 to my credit card and I have yet to receive an e-mail on how to get my credit score

Do you really know what your scores are. Fico scores are different from all three credit reporting companies. Ripoff

Transunion / equifax
Transunion giving fake credit scores Philadelphia pennsvylvania

Equifax - FreeCreditReport
Experian, MyFico, Freecreditreport, freescore, transunion, creditscore Credit Scores - Fraud - Not What The Banks Use