Completely Misleading To People

Business & Finance

I got behind on my mortgage and was about to lose my home. I was told by the people at ocwen that the ONLY way to keep my home was to pay $2000 and be put on a forebarence payment plan. I was told I would have a year to pay the legal fees that were from ocwen. The fees totaled $2000 and that I would pay an addtional $30 a month to ocwen until they were paid with no more penalties, interest or anything.

Well here it is almost a year later and now I have an addtional $109.44 on my balance.instead of going down the balance is going up. I was told that this was because of the "HIDDEN COSTS" that that for some unknown reason to me, stayed hidden.

Now when you pay on something and the balance continues to rise instead of going down! I guess I should have gone to the neighborhood loan shark and gotten a better rate. I was told that even under the forebarence plan that there would be no problem with a refinance in a few months. That was a flat out "LIE", no one will touch a refinance while under that plan.

Come to find out there were several options I could have used. But being like most Americans I don't know anything about mortgages and come to "TRUST" the people working in these places. Before you end up paying out the ass like I am, explore your options and do your homework.

Company: Ocwen
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
Phone: 8007462936
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