Discover Card
Turned account in good standing over to collections - BEFORE payment was due. Ripoff

Business & Finance

I am writing you in regards to my credit account through Discover late October, I mailed them the following letter, along with my credit card:

Dear Sir or Ma'am,

I am writing regarding my account. I have enclosed my card, cut up, because I have lost my job. Due to this, I am having a hard time meeting my bills. Bankruptcy is an option, but I have decided to write you first to see if there are any assistance options that you may have to offer. This is frustrating for me, as I have always paid my bills. I thank you for any consideration or assistance you may offer.

Per their records, they received my correspondence on November 2nd, and closed my account. On November 7th, before contacting me with a response and before my payment was due, I was turned over to Nationwide Credit, which is a collection agency. Below is a copy of my perfect payment record with Discover, which has been copied from their website:

June 29 $100.00Online
July 27 $75.00 Online
July 30 $20.00 Online
August 22 $60.00 Online
October 5 $55.00 Online

On November 9th, I went to the Discover Card Website to schedule my usual monthly payment. This time I made two payments, one of $55.00 and one of $15.00. When I saw that the payments had not been deducted from my checking account, I contacted Discover to question why. At this point I was informed that I had been turned over to Nationwide Credit and that they (Discover) could no longer except payments from me. Per a phone call to Nationwide on January 4, they received my account on November 8th and mailed correspondence to me on November 10th. Keep in mind, all of these events happened BEFORE my November monthly due date. Extremely angered, I confess that I did not make any payments to Nationwide through December. When they decided to start harassing me, and when I realized that Discover was charging me late fees, which pushed me over my account limit, and then charged me over the limit fees, I decided to take action. On December 13, I phoned Discover card to ask WHY can they charge me the fees if they won't accept money from me?!?!?!?!?!?!? I asked them to review my account, to see my perfect payment history, remove the fees and to please reinstate my account so that I could resume making payments to them. I advised them that they are intentionally giving me negative marks on my credit rating, which up until this point had been very good. They called me the next day to tell me that they will NOT be reinstating my account and that NO fees will be removed. I then informed Nationwide, that same day, that I will be making payments to them, as I have no considering these events, and the hateful, nasty attitudes of Nationwide Credit, I have decided to pursue this and get it straightened out. This is a deliberate attack on my credit rating and I am desperately trying to find the organization which can assist me. I have contacted the FTC with a complaint and they have pointed me in the direction of the following agencies:

Comptroller of the Currency
Customer Assistance Group
1301 McKinney Street
Suite 3710
Houston TX 77010

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs
Washington, D.C. 20551

Office of Bank Customer Affairs
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Washington, D.C. 20429

Thrift Supervision
Division of Consumer Affairs
Washington, DC 20552

Certified letters of complaint will be mailed to these address tomorrow. I am not done, though. I will fight this until the end and find justice.

pekin, Illinois

Company: Discover Card
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Address: P.O. Box 30943
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