After falling behind on a loan of $4300- from late '90's and being garnished to satisfy remaining balance, the collection attempts and threats continue

Business & Finance

I took out a small loan of $4300- in approx 1998 from office in TF Id. I fell behind in payments due to plant shutdowns in Burley at McCain Co. After being rehired in a Security-related position at a northern Nev Casino, I was garnished for $4300- over a period from 11 to 7/14 through the Elko Co. Sheriff's office for $100- a paycheck, bi-monthly.

In Feb of the law firm of Wanderer and Wanderer in Las Vegas representing Beneficial again came after me to garnish my wages stating that I had never paid anything on the principle owed. The garnishment began after many phone calls by me to the Ben. Office in TF who stated they showed my account as paid, and calls to the sheriff's office and calls to the law office, and calls to Beneficial's collection person Cynthia White. So the garnishment began again.

I found out to stop the action, I needed to file an exemtion of execution and did so. I had a court date set and the day before the date, I was notified the office of Wanderer etc had withdrawn the claim. I then received a threatening letter from the law office's lawyer, Christopher Hunter again stating that I owed the law office thousands still on interest.
I have all of the payroll records of pymts and all contacts info.

This am I was again called by collections person Cynthia White stating I still owe Beneficial at least several thousand dollars. The amount stated will radically differ from call to call.

Company: Beneficial
Country: Algeria
State: Idaho
City: Twin Falls
Address: 1239 Pole Line Rd
Phone: 2087338406
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