United Cash Loans
Ripoff Don't Do it you will regret it!

Business & Finance

I was in a bind and my bank account was overdrawn. So I found United Cash Loans online. I got a 200.00 dollar cash loan and have paid 645.00 dollars. Please don't get a cash loan from them they will rip you off for 3 times the money.

Company: United Cash Loans
Country: USA
Phone: 8002798511
Site: 247-payday-loan.com/gclid=cnea686en4kcfrttpgodes1rua
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United Cash Loans
United Cash Loans united cash loans big rip off Internet internet

500 Fast Cash - United Cash Loans - 500Fast Cash
Ripoff galore

United Cash Loans

United Cash Loans
Is a total scam They are thieves

United Cash Loans
Over-charged and a complete Rip-Off

United Cash Loans
They Ripped Me Off Bad

United Cash Loans
Ripoff, dishonest, rude, withdrawing double what was borrowed, taking food from my daughters plate every month 4 times a month

United Cash Loans
I took a loan for $300 and my bank account was charge $500 and I called united cash loans and was told I will keep being charge $325 and that is a rip off

United Cash Loans - Rio Resources - Cash Net
Rip off

United Cash Loans
I applied for a loan and also paid off the loan. Then unitedcashloans.com continued to debit my account at different amounts so the bank did not suspect any wrong doing